Cutlery Cup 2023: Nick Bond

Jack Woodward (National SSAGO)

Monday 1st of May 2023

At MedieBall in Lincoln, Nick became the 13th person to be awarded the Cutlery Cup, for all of the incredible work he did to keep National SSAGO going, and for his dedication to all 3 of his clubs!

Introduced in 2007, the Cutlery Cup recognises the dedicated and lasting commitment of each winner to SSAGO as well as Scouting or Guiding. Deciding the winner of each award was the first job of the new Team Pink after completing their handover, and it was a challenging one thanks to all the really strong nominations this year.

Despite strong competition, the new Team Pink found Nick Bond, of Southampton, Swansea, and Bristol SSAGOs, depending on the day, but more importantly, the outgoing Secretary for SSAGO, to be the stand out candidate. His work keeping National SSAGO going for the year came at the end of an exciting and varied time in SSAGO - starting in Swansea, including time on their committee, and then on the Rali Cymru committee, his industry placement led him to Bristol, where he became a part of UoBGaS, and where he still maintains strong ties. After returning to Swansea and SUGS for the rest of his degree, he then moved to Southampton for his masters degree at the same time as becoming Secretary for SSAGO a role he's held over the last year, and through which he has been integral to SSAGO. His work and dedication is what has made this year a success.

Nominated by his chair and very good friend, Thomas Stevens, who has seen first hand how important his dedication to SSAGO has been this year, and on the Rali Cymru committee, and SUGS committee. Despite the cup itself being absent, some creative thinking from Thomas (a glass with a few knives in it) recreated the award, and he was able to present it to Nick, alongside James Barber, the newly elected SSAGO chair.